Monday, August 1, 2011

I'm Back...Well, Kinda

So, it has been a while since I have posted anything so lets see how much I can bore you this time around.

I have taken up building things to take up some of my free time these days. Built a corn-hole set, and now currently working on a beer cap coffee table. I get frustrated very easily and it delays my progress because I will stop working on it for a while until I get over my frustrations. Right now, I have hit that with my table because the idea I have isn't coming together like I want. I need to redesign it a little and just don't feel like doing it. Back to the drawing board time...Let's just see how long it takes for me to actually get back to working on it. I am close to being done and getting table put together, so hopefully I will finish it soon.

My main hobby is before you, I am not good. But, I still enjoy it. I have thought about taking a few lessons, but there is a problem...I am left handed and I have yet to find an instructor in the area who is left handed. I could take them from a right handed player, but I am having to view everything as if I was looking at a mirror, then try to take everything I see and apply it. Having a left handed trainer, I would get the proper mechanics down. I only need to work on a few things and get a few tips. I just need a few improvements then I would probably enjoy golf more than I do. I tend to throw clubs when I get mad, so it would save me some money if I got a little better lol. So, if anyone knows someone left handed that gives lessons in the Memphis area, let me know!

Deer season is quickly approaching and I am so excited. This is always my most favorite time of the year. This year, I am going to be bow hunting for my first time..I am ready to start that. Even though I know I will probably get hooked on it. Got a bow for my birthday and been practicing with it. I have a feeling this will be a good season, so I am ready for it to get here.

Now, a few things I have learned lately (inspired by a good friend lol)
  1. Working a night shift job, gives you to much time to think about things in your life...which is not always a good thing.
  2. I know things I want in my life, just don't truly know how to get them.
  3. I also want to many expensive things lol
  4. I am apparently good at giving advice, but I obviously don't use that advice myself
  5. I like building things, and want to do it more often...just need to get some more/better equipment.
  6. I am no good at saving money, I like to spend it too much.
  7. Left Handed golf equipment is expensive.
  8. Old friends come back in your life just as you need them
  9. As you talk to these old friends, you learn things about them or people that you both knew...and it makes you wonder why you never were better friends or met before we did.
  10. Sometimes things change for the better

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Weightloss Update

Well, I went to the Dr. yesterday; I am down to 234. I have lost 33 pounds so far in 3 months. I have slacked off on my cardio, but am going to start back on it more now. This one is a little short, just wanted to give an update on how this was going.

Start: 267, Current: 234, Goal: 190. Only 44 more to go.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Personal Goals

Well, I know that everyone has their own personal goals; but how many actually go through with them to achieve them?

I have long term goals, like getting my own house and starting a family. But, I have one big goal that is what I consider short term and I am doing what I can to achieve it. Weightloss, this is my goal. I am the biggest I have ever been and want to get down to a certain size. I started my diet at the begining of Feb and as of today, I have lost 25 pounds so far. I feel that I could have lost a lot more than that so far, but I was sick for a few weeks and just didn't feel like working out or limiting what I ate.

I am back doing my diet and hope that I can get back on track. I would like to hit my goal before the holidays come around. I think I might have gave myself to much time to reach it, but am going to push to get to the goal sooner.

I have a few reasons as to why I want to loose weight. First, I have never been this size and am upset with myself for letting it get like this, there is nobody to blame but myself. Second, self confidence. I don't have near the confidence that I used to, and I hope that getting into better shape and feeling better about myself would give me that confidence back.

I will keep this one updated. I do not weigh each week as to keep from knowing where I am. I only get on the scale once a month, so whenever I do that, I will update where I am at.

As of now: starting weight 267, current 242. Goal: 190


Well, first I want to say this. I am more than thankful that I have a job, especially right now in these tough economical times. But at the same time, I don't really care for my job and would love to find something better (if the grass really is greener on the other side lol). I am a manager, working a lot of hrs. each week and not getting paid near enough for what I do.

Now, I love the actual job I do. It is very interesting and never doing to same thing everyday, there is always something that is different each day. I am really good with numbers and that helps out, because I handle a lot of invoices daily and inventory on a daily basis. If the pay was better, then I probably wouldn't feel the way I do about it. But, knowing that this positition is supposed to pay better has one thing to do with it. Another thing, I have a guy that basically works for me, and he has been with the company for a very long time and is a really good employee. I could not do the things I do without him. He makes more than me, and no matter how long he has been there, I believe that someone in a supervisor position over an employee should make a little more atleast than the people they supervise. It just seems like the whole respect/who's in charge factor would not always be there, I mean honestly; who would really respect and take priority to a supervisors orders when they know they make more than the supervisor?

I am not going to say how much I make, but I was hourly before getting this position a few months ago, and when I got this postition I was put in a bad spot. First, I didn't really have a choice to take it, was told either I had to take the position or I was going to be let go. I took the job, it is a really great opportunity for the future. Then, was told I probably would not be getting a raise. The manager there got me one, but not much of anything really, as in hardly a difference from my pay as hourly. Also, I go from working 40 hours a week to working around 50-55 hours a week.

With the hours I work, I am always tired. I put in long days and then have to work some Saturdays. When I am off work, I usually just stay home all the time, cuz I don't feel like doing anything.

It is getting to the point that the job just isn't worth it anymore, and I hate that it is getting to the point. I am trying to holdon and wait out the times right now hoping that there is a bright side to it, but it is getting to the point that I can't hold on. I have updated my resume and posted on a few sites. Who knows, I might get some kind of good job offer on there, or something better might come up at work. But now, I have to gotten to the point that I am starting to look for better things. Well that is it for now, I will update this subject as things come out on it.


Well, I created this to start writing down my feelings. A good friend of mine does a lot of blogging and it actually helps him out, so I thought I would do this. I just want a place to put things down either it be my feelings, mood or just something that happens and I felt to put it down.

Now, on to a little more about me. My name is Justen Chism. I am 25 and live in West Memphis, AR. I know most that will read this already know that. But, for the ones that stumble across this and do not know me, now you do.